Emanuela Carnevale Biography

Emanuela Carnevale aka “Brodino Digitale” is a freelance Illustrator based in Milan.
She has a degree in Graphic Design and has studied Illustration at MiMaster.
After graduating she’s worked on art direction, social campaigns, and animation for advertising agencies, which have allowed her to experiment and feed her artistic style. What inspires her art is a love for traveling, photography, and the sea.
Her stage name, “Brodino Digitale”, was born in the middle of a pandemic lockdown. At the dinner table, her younger brother requested “brodino digitale” meaning digital broth. What he meant to say was “brodino vegetale,” “vegetable broth.” At that moment, she thought that name would be perfect to represent how she sees the world of illustrations, a concoction of ideas. She began illustrating every day during this time. Illustrating became a therapeutic distraction from world and the pandemic and she hasn’t stopped creating ever since. Her illustrations are based on real stories, good intentions, heart-warming memories, photographs of past times, or thoughts of the future.
Among her clients are Mondadori, Feltrinelli, Freundin Magazine, Sz Magazine, Het Financieele Dagblad, Samsung Italia, Corneliani, La Stampa, Les Echos, Bastille Magazine.