Frédéric Benaglia Biography

The ABC of Fred Benaglia
A for Antibes, the city where he was born in 1974
B for Bachelor in Arts, his first diploma that allowed him to go to Paris to attend the Estienne School of Art
C for Communication, that field in which he commenced his first job as an art director
D for D Lire, the 9-13 magazine that he designed for Bayard in 2001
E for Edition, from Albin Michel to Tourbillon, Nathan and Sarbacane, who publish his work and illustrations
We could go down the whole alphabet, or Fred could draw you a picture!!
Fred has illustrated Hug This Book and Twinkle, Twinkle, ABC (Phaidon) for the US Market, and multiple books for children in Europe including the Adelidelo and Petit Dernier series.