Istvan Orosz Biography

“There are things I can imagine and I can draw. There are things I can imagine but I cannot draw. But, could I draw something that I cannot imagine? That interests me greatly.”
Istvan Orosz is a Hungarian painter, printmaker, illustrator, and animated film director. His forte is in mathematically inspired artwork, such as optical illusions, anamorphoses, impossible objects, and images hidden inside larger pictures. His style has made him a key contributor to the canon of contemporary Hungarian graphic design.
Orosz received his formal art education at Moholy-Nagy, now know as the Hungarian University of Art and Design, where he would study under Istvan Balogh and Erno Rubik, the inventor of the Rubik Cube. After graduating he would later pursue a career in stage design and film animation. Simultaneously he began building a reputation as a poster designer and illustrators, often illustrating themes of political turmoil and psychology.