Marysia Machulska Biography

Marysia Machulska is a Polish illustrator and graphic designer based in France.Marysia graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She also studied graphics design at Ecole Supérieure Estienne in Paris as well as at Ecole Olivier de Serres, in the framework of French government scholarship for artists.Her feminine and conceptual style combines the universe of collage and vector illustration. She creates strong works in which the concept and the ideas have a very important place. She looks for the simplest possible but powerful solutions to express visual concepts in the best way.Marysia regularly collaborates for the press and publishers. Her work includes press illustrations, posters, covers and book illustrations.Clients:TIME, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, LA Times, Les Echos, L’OBS, Elle France, Bourjois & moreMarysia is American Illustration AI40 selected winner, American Illustration AI41 chosen winner and Awarded by 3×3 illustration show N 18.